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A petition that is the first step to getting the laws changed because we need to be able to protect ourselves and family with out being jailed, when the law enforcement ignores the problem, and waits for someone to be seriously hurt or killed before they act....

Right to protect one's self and family

Target: Rick Boucher, Congressman, US House of Representatives
Sponsor: Christine Schaffner
People should be allowed to do what is reasonable to protect themselves and thier family. Too often, when someone does do such, they face jail time instead of the person who was harming them in the first place.Imagine how you would feel, if you had to go to the furthest part of your peoperty and let the intruder do as they please. Then you are told, that if you raise one hand in self defense against the attacker, then you'd be the one in jail.

Right to protect one's self and family

This country was founded by people who were willing to take a stand and face the issues that interfered with thier ability to protect thier families. Why is it then, now, people are afraid to protect themselves, because too often the criminals get off scott- free, and the victims are painted out to be the criminal.
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Friday, February 17, 2006

Colors of the American Flag
by: Regenia G. Butcher

I would imagine that even before the ink on the Declaration of Independence had dried, the sentences: "Are we gonna have a flag? We gotta have a flag! Britain has a flag!" were echoed by members of the Continental Congress. But then, a flag is important. It is a symbol representing a group and their beliefs -- a means of identification.

It has long been reported that in May of 1776, Betsy Ross sewed the first version of the flag we use today. The American flag has, of course, gone through several design transformations since then, as states were added to the nation and stars were added to the design.

Symbolism Abounding

Unique and appealing as the design is, I think our flag is also full of symbolism. To me, the red stripes indicate courage, blood and suffering. The white stripes mean truth, purity and open-mindedness. The word stripes, itself, is associated with oppressions, struggles, punishments and lessons learned. An enduring flag represents a state of surving or coming-of-age the hard way.

To me, the stars on our flag represent goals, dreams and the future -- what we all aim for, in our own way -- the infinite, the stars. The color blue is usually identified with peace, tranquility and spirituality. Hopefully, our dreams and future will be surrounded by peace and spirituality, just as the stars on the flag are surrounded by the blue.

Our flag is very much like our country. It is woven together by many threads, just as our nation is woven together by many nationalities, religions, philosophies and personalities.

The flag needs to be held up and supported to wave free, just as our country needs support to continue to remain as free as it has been. Any little breeze can cause a reaction. A harsh wind can make the flag angrily whip around on its foundation. But, even when it becomes weathered and torn, hanging on by only a few strands, as long as it is still connected to its foundation, it will continue to hang on and wave freely. It's the wind blowing against the flag that keeps it waving, that allows the stars (as well as the stripes) to be seen. It's the winds of properly-channeled protest and criticism brought against a nation that keeps it changing and shaping and thus, prevents it from sinking into a false euphoria or apathy...or worse.

Not as Simple as it Seems

The flag is not black and white, and neither are most issues involving it. You will note, that there is one more red stripe than white, showing that there will be more pain and struggle than there will be purity and truth.

An amendment ("H.J. Res.10") giving Congress the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag, has been up for vote several times. However, "desecration" means more than being burned or shredded in anger and protest. Through the popular sale of interpretated versions of our flag that's been placed on items ranging from paper notebooks and jewelry, to shirts and table cloths, it's been proven that the flag has a marketing appeal as well as a patriotic one. But Title 4, Section 8-d, 8-g and 8-i of the U.S. Code (rules and regulations) forbids wearing it or placing an image of it on anything that is meant to be thrown away. The code also says that it is not be be used for advertising purposes. Therefore, it is always interesting to see how "desecration" is interpretated.

An Implied Pledge?

Any flag represents a nation or group's future, as well as it's past. So, before you burn it or praise it, condemn it or pledge allegiance to it, you should take another look at it and really see it for what it represents.

Sometimes I think that our nation's "pledge" has gone to another rectangular object...a green one. With all the crime and corruption in this country, it's as if the "Pledge of Allegiance" has been subconsciously rewritten to:

I pledge allegiance to the dollar
of the United States of America.
And to the buying power for which it stands.
One cartel, under the stock exchange, insatiable,
with affluence and greed for the fortunate.

May Our Flag Always Wave Free!

Since the 9-11 tragedy, the red, white and blue American flag has been seen on more cars and flying from more buildings than ever. Maybe we should continue to wave our flag even more and be ever cautious to see that it continues to represent the freedom, justice and integrity for which it has always been known.

About The Author

Regenia G. Butcher is an author on a site for Creative Writers ( http://www.Writing.Com ). She is also a crafter and is currently working on a "quirky" word reference book. She usually not only sees the glass half full, but rejoices that there IS a glass. You can visit her portfolio at:

Local Government - Solving Problems
by: Al Arnold

"Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." John Kenneth Galbraith

Oh, how true! When you have a problem in your personal life, does your options for solving that problem come down to the “lesser of two evils?” Probably so. If your options for solving your problem are good or excellent choices, you don't have a problem, you have an opportunity.

Same in local government. When local government has a “problem” the choices they have are the “lesser of two evils.” Or, as Mr. Galbraith would say “between the disastrous and the unpalatable.”

It is truly unfortunate that local elected officials do not admit this, when discussing problem issues in public. This dilemma is certainly discussed in private between individuals involved in the decision making process. But, it is rare when a local official publicly states that the problem they are facing has no good solution. The options available consist between “the disastrous and the unpalatable.”

On top of that, add into the equation that elected local government officials who are making these decisions, are amateurs. Amateurs make mistakes. Lots of mistakes. So when choosing between those “lesser of two evils” they can often choose the worst of the choices.

Run government like a business! How many times have we heard, or maybe even said that?

How many businesses do you know, when looking for a new member for their Board of Directors throw the position open to amateurs, with absolutely no experience? Or, do they look for the best, most experienced person they can find to help guide them into the future?

Is it any wonder that some local governments bumble along? Is it any wonder that John Q. Public gets disenfranchised with the system?

We know that problems aren't going to go away. We also know we aren't going to change the way local elected officials are hired. Is there anything that can help this process along?

Yes, there is. The solution involves you, your friends and your neighbors. You may find this solution "unpalatable."

1) Involvement. Citizen Involvement. Citizens need to go to meetings. You need to go to meetings.

2) Citizens need to be there to give support and encouragement to these rank amateurs who are attempting to do their best under very difficult conditions. They are doing a job that must be done by someone.

3) Citizens who may have expertise on particular issues need to give their constructive input before the decisions are made ... not after.

Local elected officials universally lament the fact that citizens avoid attending meetings where their input is not just invited, but needed. These local officials also acknowledge the fact that they are amateurs and do not have the experience on many issues, that they need to make decisions.

Silence by citizens can be deafening, and destructive.

Your local government needs you to become involved!

Copyright 2006 Al Arnold

Origin of US Military: A Tradition of Honor, Loyalty and Courage
by: Johnny Blade

During the Colonial Period, when whites battled between Indians, the Pequot, a warlike tribe that settled in the center along the Thames River in southeastern Connecticut, against New England settlers, and because of the struggle Governor John Endicott of Massachusetts Bay Colony organized the first military force. The military forces’ duty was to capture and punish Indians.

Before the King Phillip’s War there was a provision of organizing military companies and for the frequent drilling of the soldiers. During that time even ten years old boys were trained to handle guns, half- pikes, bows and arrows.

It also required every man to have a service pistol for security. Every trained soldier was required to turn out immediately. There is a penalty of $5 for neglect. Military officers were empowered to appoint what firearms to be brought to the meeting houses on the Lord’s days and other times of gatherings.

In the Revolutionary War, the Continental Army was formed. It was George Washington who was chosen to be the Commander in Chief. It was the congresses who select him right after the formation of the continental army. Choosing him was made for geographical and political as much as for military reasons, because the New Englanders felt that in order to enlist the help of the southern colonies a southerner should be chosen for the position.

In Early Republic, Washington open an alternative to a large standing army, he was referring to founding an effective militia. So the congress passed the basic militia law in May 1792, it refers to recruiting of every able-bodied white male citizen between 18-45 and to organize militia into divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions, and companies by the individual states.

Each militiaman should be provided by his own arms, munitions, and other accouterments. The act also provides the idea of a citizen soldiery, a concept of deep importance to the future of the country, and it also provide for the creation of special volunteer units to supplement the mandatory group system. The volunteers are organized into companies, met regularly for military training under elected officers. With antecedents in the organized military associations of the colonial era, this volunteer force is now known as the National Guard.

In the War of 1812-1815, the military forces took place at the battle of Fort Stephenson, battle of Lake Erie, Fort Dearborn and siege of Fort Erie. From the Indian wars to the Persian Gulf War military has serve as the defense and offense of the United States. In World War II and even the previous Wars the Military forces was based in any part of the globe invading and defending the territory. Like in Sicily Campaign, the American soldier had much to be proud.

With the exception of those units which had taken part in the Tunisia Campaign, especially the 1st and 9th Infantry Divisions, few American formations employed in Sicily began the campaign with any combat experience, and their abilities were still unknown. But the American troops had done well.

Sicily was also a victory for the logistician and the staff planner. Although overshadowed by the Normandy invasion a year later, Operation HUSKY was actually the largest amphibious operation of World War II in terms of the size of the landing zone and the number of divisions put ashore on the first day of the invasion.

This pushed the U.S. Military to recruit and expand itself for the needs of national security and peace keeping inside the state.

The U.S. Military is divided into seven, the Army that handle the land especially mountains, valley and other far places in the states that needs security and peacekeeping. Naval or Navy that protect the sea territory of the states, Marine which is deployed in the heavy attack like outside war that needed reinforcement by the states, Air Force the one who protect the air territory of the states, National Guard the volunteer organized troops, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine helps the navy in sea territory peacekeeping.

About The Author

Johnny Blade, a former private investigator and award winning author who writes on a variety of subjects, is an online marketer for many sites such as Resources and Articles About the US Military.

This article is free for republishing.

Copyright © Johnny Blade 2006

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